History of our school

The current incarnation of the school is on a plot of land in Freetown, which was bought with funds donated from a well-wisher.

It grew out of a burn out single wooden frame structure, that was fleshed out to form what is now the main classroom and administrative block. Currently, the school’s running costs are mainly funded through donations and from the salary of the school’s main benefactor, Marianne.

The name of the school is in memory of one of the school's founding members - Sally, who is now sadly deceased.

The school is faith-based and follows Christian principles. SIPS aims to provide affordable education, for those least likely to be able to foot the costs of attending a formal school setting, and also has plans of providing a venue for activities for the surrounding communities. The community-related activities will place SIPS at the heart of community involvement.


2016. It was a great year

SIPS will be a school setting that will hold up to a 1000 students covering nursery, primary and secondary school stages.

To enable a self-assured Sierra Leone free from the pervasive corrosive economic and social maleficence creates the urgent need, for institutions such SIPS to teach our children the importance of integrity, excellence, hard work, creativity and the central tenet of the service of others and the community.

Our Goals

  • SIPS will foster a collaborative and sustainably independent setting by bringing parents, teachers and children together.
  • SIPS will provide a safe and secure playground for the all ages that will also host sports tournaments

New School

  • SIPS will enlist the services of a nurse, who will visit the school once a week for routine examinations, in addition to educating carers on preventative measures to mitigate the risks of the most salient ailments affecting children in the community.
  • SIPS will host early morning breakfast clubs, offering school meals to ensure adequate nutrition before the start of each school day, to improve the health and attention span of students, who may otherwise not have eaten at all.


Our teachers develop children's skills.

Sport lessons

Drawing lessons

Music lessons

History lessons

Nature lessons

Math lessons

SIPS will employ experienced staff, who will be paid a fair living wage.

SIPS will provide mini-bus transportation to eligible students, from pre-agreed pick-up points

Means-based scholarships and discounts will be offered to eligible students.

Learn more


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